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Worship as A Lifestyle, by Judith McAllister
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Worship as a Lifestyle – This book addresses the principle of processing the Word of God into every day life. It’s the daily practice of obtaining that which is spiritual and, through one’s awareness of a God-given purpose, functioning in that purpose for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Herein a challenge is presented - How does a worshipper make applicable the spiritual transformation necessary to walk out the process of dying to one’s self, so the lifestyle of worship becomes the preeminent thing?
Jesus states in Matthew 24:4 (KJV), “Take heed that no man deceive you……” If Jesus had to specifically warn His disciples against deception, the possibility of its existence was very real, as it certainly is now. The nature of deception is for it to be there without you recognizing it. Let me say that again: The nature of deception is for it to be right there - staring you in the face - without you knowing that it’s name is deception.
I have found that when dealing with the subject of worship, the enemy - who is very familiar with what worship is and what it does for the believer - attempts to send the spirit of deception to those desiring to understand precisely what worship is, so that they will never reach their God-given potential in the Kingdom. This spirit of deception must be therefore uncovered by the worshipper, through study of the word of God, divine revelation and the worshipper making the conscious decision to live a holy life, in the midst of a society whose practices are not conducive to what the Lord has commanded in the scriptures.
Many people today are walking around unaware – not knowing that they’re deceived. They feel that they are right and just, living and walking according to the Word of God; but Jesus warned the disciples against being deceived. Why? In verse 5 He says: “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Jesus knew that imposters would come - with impressive gifts, performing miracles and quoting scriptures; but gifts, in themselves, aren’t impressive to God. He is the Creator of all gifts. Being able to rattle off the scriptures isn’t impressive to God. He wrote the book! Lucifer was gifted and knows the Bible better than we do! He even tried, unsuccessfully, to tempt the Son of God with the Word that He wrote! (See Matthew 4:5-7) Don’t be deceived. It takes more than gifts, miracles or knowledge of the Bible to be spiritually successful. What moves God is a lifestyle of worship!
If you desire a greater understanding of what it means to live a lifestyle of worship, then this book is for you. It is a quick read, but power packed with nuggets and insights, which will change your life forever.
- Sales Rank: #377244 in eBooks
- Published on: 2013-02-20
- Released on: 2013-02-20
- Format: Kindle eBook
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Five Stars
By Michelle Mc kain
Great book
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Excellent Read
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This book is revelatory, inspirational, and speaks truth about the word of God. If you are confused about your purpose or the plan that God has for you, this book is for you. Love
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Inspiration and instruction!
By J.C.
Loved this book. It answered so many questions. Even ones I have not thought ask. Is an awesome read not only for worshippers (singers) but for all of Gods people.
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